Environmental Biology of Fishes

Environmental Biology of Fishes  
Abbreviated title (ISO) Env. Biol. Fish.
Discipline Ichthyology
Language English
Edited by David L. G. Noakes
Publication details
Publisher Springer Netherlands (Netherlands)
Publication history 1976–present
Frequency 4/year
Impact factor
ISSN 0378-1909 (print)
1573-5133 (web)

Environmental Biology of Fishes is a peer-reviewed scientific journal focusing on all aspects of fish and fish-related biology, and the links to their environment. The journal is published by Springer Netherlands and was founded in 1976. The current editor is David L.G. Noakes (Oregon State University, Corvallis).

Abstracting and indexing

Environmental Biology of Fishes is abstracted and indexed in the following databases: